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Roydon Village Hall was erected as the Village Club in 1920 on land donated by Mr J Ford. The building funded by Mr R Scott. Both families had lost sons in WW1 and the ‘club’ was dedicated in their memory. Users of the Club paid an annual subscription and all types of facilities were offered including a bar and library. The hall has undergone two major refurbishment, in the 1970s the front building was demolished and the rear rooms added and more recently major interior refurbishment was undertaken including additional storage facilities.


The hall has recently had installed a defibrillator on the outside of the hall and is listed as an emergency shelter for the district.


The hall can hold a variety of activities and events and has hosted a barn dance, quiz nights, plays, parties, fairs and regular meetings.


























































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Roydon Market


Second Saturday of each month from 9.30am-1pm

Stalls include a variety of food and craft and refreshments are served from the kitchen.


The Epping Community Police Team join us from time to time for a chat and to offer advice


Contact Helen Reynolds on 07816 101098 /

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Roydon Art Exhibition

Roydon’s Art Exhibition has been running for thirty years and attracts a high number of viewers and range of artists.  The show is held on the first bank holiday of May, with the preview evening on the Saturday night.


For further details see



Pre-school use the small hall (blue hall) each week day morning.

Contact Annalei Smith & Lisa Rozee on 07931 797809 /






Every three weeks on a Monday, a mobile library parks in the hall’s car park 2.30-3pm.  Dates for the library 2024 are:

2024 DATES

22 January
12 February
04 & 25 March
15 April
06 & 27 May
17 June
08 & 29 July
19 August
09 & 30 September
21 October
11 November
02 & 23 December
Model Trucks
Other Regular Activities in the Hall:


Dance Classes 

Guitar & Ukelele Groups 

Model Trucks 


Short Mat Bowl

Jan Sparks

Kim Rogers

Geoff Preston

Allan Storrar 

Heather Oakes

Karina Brookes

01279 793 283

07971 704281

01279 792861

07846 309269

07801 493893

07400 501728

Roydon Village Hall

Harlow Road


Essex CM19 5HH


For all bookings enquiries, please email


The Registered Charity Number is 227643

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